Starving baby – a letter from Edward Buria

The famine situation in Kenya worsens daily. There is no likelihood of rain before October/November. Assuming there is then sufficient rain for planting seed food will not be available before March. This heartfelt cry comes from Edward.


My Dear Friends,

I am sure you are receipt of my latest report on the ongoing Drought/Famine Crisis being experienced in Kenya and number of Countries in Horn of Africa (see Newfrontiers website). Further to that report, I have had more serious encounters with so many people who are battling the effects of the drought/famine. This is why I have decided to share with you the very latest reports on the same.

When I saw this child I concluded that the situation can not get any worse! A child like this represents millions of the starving children and adults alike in the drought/famine affected areas in Kenya, and Nations of the Horn of Africa.

One mother’s cry
Yesterday while visiting one of our relief distribution centres, a very desperate mother crying and narrating to me what she and her family have gone through told me something that will remain with me for a very long time to come. She told me in a low low tone “…Pastor it can not be any other tough, it is very very tough!” I immediately and very spontaneously responded back to her “..Mama,that is why we have TAF(Together Against Famine Kenya) in place”. I told her and the many people in this centre, that I would do anything I am able to do to make sure that no one within the areas of our targets dies of starvation. I also promised that I will speak on their behalf to the world and let the World know what they are facing and going through.

Red Cross, World Food Programme and other humanitarian organisations are doing whatever they can, but the problem is becoming more serious and larger by each passing day. This crisis is more serious than what is known and captured by the Media. We even know of areas and people who have not been identified by the organisations that are assisting the affected, and who are in dire need of relief supplies.

My plea is a simple one. Let us do what we can do NOW before it is too late! God loves such Kids and the many people who are starving in Kenya and Nations of the Horn of Africa! He wants them to be given an opportunity to live, can we we count on you?


How to donate
If you are able to contribute to the Kenya Crisis Appeal Fund that would be much appreciated, whether direct online or through your church. Donations may also be sent to:

The Finance Team
The Matrix Complex
91 Peterborough Road
London SW6 3BU