Biblical Administration – part 1 – My Personal Story

Administration in the Church, Administrative Skills, Biblical Administration, Christian ministry, Conference Administration, Equipping, General
As I move into a series on my understanding of Biblical Administration I feel that my personal testimony may be helpful. Being an Armour Bearer At the Newfrontiers TOAM Conference in July I felt God prompt me to testify at the end of Joel Virgo’s talk on Jonathan and his armour bearer about my being an ‘armour bearer’ to Terry Virgo. Several have generously said this was helpful and Adrian Warnock kindly invited me to contribute to his blog ( so here is what I wrote. First meeting with Terry Virgo [caption id="attachment_525" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Terry Virgo"][/caption] In 1968 Janita and I wanted to start a Bible Study group in our Sussex village with another young couple. This couple knew of a good visiting speaker to open our first meeting –…
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Conference planning

Administration in the Church, Administrative Skills, Biblical Administration, Conference Administration, Equipping, General, Leadership
Every year Newfrontiers hosts a conference at the Brighton Conference Centre, UK, Together on a Mission. The conference has two streams: Christian Leadership and Mobilise. The latter is for Students and Twenties. For parts of the programme these streams are separate and for parts they meet together. This is an international conference which gathers around 4000 people from up to 50 nations, mostly from churches who are in the Newfrontiers ‘family’. Based strongly on teaching from the Bible and with an expectation of the activity of the Holy Spirit the purpose is to impart vision, train people in their leadership skills and provide a context for people to sense any commission from God about their future ministry. The conference includes times of worship and prayer. I chair the Management Team…
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Conference planning

Administration in the Church, Administrative Skills, Biblical Administration, Conference Administration, Equipping, General, Leadership
Every year Newfrontiers hosts a conference at the Brighton Conference Centre, UK, Together on a Mission. The conference has two streams: Christian Leadership and Mobilise. The latter is for Students and Twenties. For parts of the programme these streams are separate and for parts they meet together. This is an international conference which gathers around 4000 people from up to 50 nations, mostly from churches who are in the Newfrontiers ‘family’. Based strongly on teaching from the Bible and with an expectation of the activity of the Holy Spirit the purpose is to impart vision, train people in their leadership skills and provide a context for people to sense any commission from God about their future ministry. The conference includes times of worship and prayer. I chair the Management Team…
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Finishing well

Administration in the Church, Administrative Skills, Biblical Administration, Conference Administration, Equipping, General
The concluding part of this series on lessons from Jesus’ feeding the 5000 focuses on completion of the task. Mk 6:42-45  And (the people) all ate and were satisfied. And (the disciples) took up twelve baskets full of broken pieces and of the fish. And those who ate the loaves were five thousand men. Immediately he made his disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, to Bethsaida, while he dismissed the crowd. Once the people were fed we have an understanding of the scale of the miracle that has just occurred; ‘..all…were satisfied’. Can you imagine how much food that represents? Suppose there were in fact 10,000 people and each had quarter of a loaf of bread and half a fish. That would mean…
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Delegating with purpose

Administration in the Church, Administrative Skills, Biblical Administration, Conference Administration, Equipping, General
We shall now look at the next administrative 'skill', number 7,  that Jesus demonstrated while feeding the 5000. Mk 6:41 And taking the five loaves and the two fish he looked up to heaven and said a blessing and broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples to set before the people. And he divided the two fish among them all. Not only does this verse demonstrate the exercise of faith, as discussed in the previous posting, but hidden in here is also the important principle of delegation. Delegation may be carried out for several reasons. Maybe the task is too big or time consuming for one person to do alone. Maybe there is the need for particular skills or gifting to carry it out effectively. Both of these,…
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Practice and Faith go hand-in-hand

Administration in the Church, Administrative Skills, Biblical Administration, Conference Administration, Equipping, General
We have already considered four administrative skills which Jesus demonstrated when he fed the 5000. We shall now look at two more. 5. Implementation Mk 6:40 So they sat down in groups, by hundreds and by fifties. A plan had clearly formed in Jesus’ mind and in order to fulfil it he needed not only to reassert his authority but also to bring order back to the crowd. Feeding 5000 men plus women and children was certainly no picnic! Order brings security to those involved, whether it is order of the crowd, of the recording of finances, or of the allocation and recording of materials and other resources. Having been involved in organising many substantial conferences over nearly 3 decades (e.g. Downs Bible Week, Stoneleigh Bible Week, Newfrontiers Together on a…
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