A book for Christmas… ‘As Many as the Stars’

Robert Glover
I first met Bob, Liz and their children over 20 years ago while on holiday with my family in Devon. They were staying on the same farm in preparation for leaving for China. As he told me his story, I was inspired not only by his vision to see thousands of orphaned children in China placed in foster care instead of being placed in institutions, but also by his passion and energy.

One million children
I have been captivated by this recently released book As Many as the Stars. Through it I am reminded of the background but now have also learnt what has happened since I first met him; how he registered a charity in the UK, Care for Children, and how over one million children in China have been placed in families! In this time, he has received awards from the Chinese government and an OBE from the Queen in the UK.

This inspiring story (a good read for Christmas!) starts by telling the reader how, while working in the care sector in the UK, he saw that institutionalisation often caused damage to children who, by the very fact they were in an institution, may have already suffered trauma. He had the opportunity of ‘experimenting’ with intensively supporting such children in family units, even with their natural parent(s), and the authorities he worked for quickly saw the positive impact this had – and it was cheaper!

This book continues with Bob telling us how he was able to build on the benefits of fostering and of how the Chinese government invited him to initiate a programme in their country with astonishing results. No brief summary can adequately describe the vision, energy and tenacity that come through each page of this book. You must read it!

Endorsed by Francis Chan, Jackie Pullinger, Bear Grylls and others, I am sure you will find this book about faith in action an inspiration. Ask someone to give you As Many as the Stars for Christmas!