Drought in Turkana, Northern Kenya – Your help is needed

Kenya, News, Poor, Relief and Development
On March 7th BBC News reported ‘The Turkana region in northern Kenya is facing one of the worst droughts in living memory with more than 1m people in need of food aid'. The situation is very serious. Edward Buria, who oversees the Newfrontiers churches in Kenya, agrees. He has launched an appeal for a further £80,000 to continue heloping the population in the communities in which he is working. This will provide bottled water and highly nutritious food, including special Unimix for the very young. Edward has recorded a message while standing in front of some manayattas, the living accommodation of the Turkana people. In it he refers to an earlier initiative where the Newfrontiers churches provided fishing boats to help people fish in Lake Turkana and thus help themselves…
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Churches together make a difference

Equipping, Poor
In recent months through this blog I have been encouraging people to find their place of serving in the church. One valuable and effective opportunity comes as churches in a town or city combine their people-resources. I have asked one of the members of CCK who is involved in such a programme, Lizzy Dalby, to share some of her thoughts. Social action can play a significant part in bringing churches together to advance God's kingdom. The Nightshelter currently running across Brighton & Hove is one such example. For the last 3 years over the winter months, a different church has opened it's doors each night of the week and welcomed 15 guests for a hearty meal, warmth, a bed for the night and breakfast before they start each new day.…
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Administrators Conference – reminder

Administration in the Church, Administrative Skills, Biblical Administration, Discover and Serve, Equipping, News
Administration is a key ministry in helping churches achieve their God-given commission. It is often a ministry that is under-valued and 'below the radar'. This one-day workshop seeks to raise the profile of administration by envisioning, equipping and networking. The day will include opportunities for prayer and prophetic input to individuals (see programme below). Although the workshop is primarily for those involved in Church Administration it will also be of benefit to church leaders in understanding how administration can help them to be more effective. It would be of great value for teams to attend together, particularly if they represent both Leadership and Administration. I do urge you to be there (sorry if you are reading this from outside the UK - though you would still be very welcome!). There…
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Drought in Kenya – Appeal

Kenya, News, Poor, Relief and Development
While we, in the UK, are battling widespread flooding our brothers and sisters in northern Kenya are being impacted by the worst drought for many years. Edward Buria, who oversees the Newfrontiers churches in Kenya and has an amazing track record of bringing much needed help to the tribal groups over recent years as they have battled against changes in the weather patterns, has recently sent the following request: I have just returned back from visiting our churches in Turkana and managed to visit especially our two churches in Kakuma where 1000s of refugees are housed. The current famine has claimed a number of lives in one of our churches. Never witnessed such hopelessness in my life. Even the 2005/6 drought wasn't as severe as the current one. Met people…
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Discover and Serve pt 26. Heart’s Desire – practical outworking

Discover and Serve, Equipping, Serving
Heart's desire in practice As I look at our church I am aware that there are many ministries that have arisen over the years that have started with individual members of the church who have had a ‘heart's desire' to see something happen. These are most conspicuous in ministry with people who are poor or in some way in social need or disadvantage. Unplanned pregnancy One evening more than twenty years ago Sue was sitting at home when she felt God tell her to go to Brighton station. She was someone who had a heart for those who were experiencing unplanned pregnancies. In reluctant obedience she drove to the station. After a short whole she saw a woman carrying a small suitcase leave the station and begin to walk in…
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Discover and Serve pt 25. Heart’s Desire – what the Bible says

Discover and Serve, Equipping, Serving
Why do people serve? When people serve they can do so for a variety of reasons. Let's name some: They feel they ought to out of a sense of duty. Nb ‘Ought' is a dangerous word. Analyse why when you are tempted to do something out of ‘ought-ness'. God loves willingness. They want to please the leader or may even feel sorry for him as he has a problem to solve with inadequate resources They want to be recognised in the church There could be many other reasons and the above are all negative. I believe the most authentic one is out of a ‘heart's desire'. Heart's Desire What do I mean by having a heart's desire to serve? As we have already seen God has given each of us…
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