Hand out or Hand up? A Zimbabwean model we can all learn from….

Of all the nations in the world Zimbabwe is among the most vulnerable in the present covid crisis. Yet, as Scott Marques shares here, they are setting a scene for positive support and intervention with long-term equipping and sustainability as their goal to help those most in need of help to climb out of abject poverty.

This is a great example of what can be achieved with vision and compassion, and collaboration between apostolic spheres within the Newfrontiers family, and provides a model that others in any nation may be able to emulate. The importance of not just ‘hand out’ but ‘hand up’ is so important in any context, not just Africa. That is the way for people to be empowered out of poverty.

Scott writes:
‘We currently have some big movement in responding to COVID-19 issues in our DNa churches and in the communities they serve. The mobilisation within our DNa churches and with other Newfrontiers spheres has been MASSIVE. This clip gives a 2.5 min overview of some of the challenges being faced, some of the life-giving response being made and some of the partnership dynamics that are working together for great blessing. #churchinaction