Covid-19: Guidelines for handling illness in poorer nations

Two months ago I published links to excellent health guidelines in anticipation of covid-19 impacting many poorer nations, such as advice on regular hand-washing. But the virus has now arrived. With the help of others, Susie Howe, who wrote those guidelines and is highly qualified both as a former nursing sister at one of the London teaching hospitals and also with extensive experience of working in Africa, has produced further culturally relevant-material to guide people in handling situations where illness has occurred.

Use of the Guidelines
The guidelines can be used in many ways. You are free to reproduce them and adapt them to your own local situation.

  • Maybe you could create handouts to distribute in your local community.
  • Or try running some training sessions, as long as your authorities allow you to meet and safety measures such as social distancing are practised, so that people are aware of the issues before they have a crisis in their own home or community.
  • You could even share some of the principles via local radio or WhatsApp.

Guidelines for Self-Care if You Contract Covid-19 (English – also in Kiswahili, French) – click to download
Here are practical steps that should be taken if you or someone you know catches the virus. It is very important to follow these guidelines within your capacity to do so, as not only will they help towards recovery but they will also reduce the risk of passing the virus to another person. They cover:

  1. Typical symptoms
  2. The importance of following government guidelines
  3. Social distancing – keeping away from other people – and other ways of minimising spreading the virus to others

This also gives guidance about how to have the best chance of making a rapid recovery if you are ill including:

  1. Avoid lying on your back as much as possible, whether awake or asleep
  2. Get as much fresh air as possible – sleep near an open window
  3. Boost your nutrition and stay well-hydrated
  4. Keep away from a smokey fire
  5. Do regular breathing exercises

And, most important, stay close to God in prayer.

Covid-19 Home-based Care Guidelines (English – also in Kiswahili) – click to download
These guidelines are for churches and other community-based agencies who may be helping to care for people who are unwell. They should be widely taught, ideally before there is a crisis.

In these guidelines Susie shares:

  1. How covid-19 spreads
  2. What to do to help people not to transfer it to others
  3. How to care for those who may be caring for someone who is unwell
  4. How to care for an adult who has covid-19
  5. How to care for a child who has covid-19

There is a wealth of good practical guidance in these documents and by reading them and putting them into practice you or others you know could save lives. So please do not ignore them.

They are available from the Bethany Children’s Trust website along with the earlier guidelines referred to above which I publicised at the end of March.