Is Newfrontiers breaking up?

Newfrontiers, News
Recently I read an excellent article under the title 'The Emperor's New Frontiers' written by Andrew Wilson on the Newfrontiers blog 'What you think matters'. Andrew is an elder of King's Church, Eastbourne, UK and a member of the Newfrontiers Theology Forum. With his permission I reproduce it here as I think it brings great clarity and explanation of what is currently happening in the Newfrontiers family of churches. "Is Newfrontiers breaking up?" I suspect I'm not the only one who has heard that question in recent months, nor the only one who has tried to work out how best to answer it. On the off chance that I'm not, here are a few ways I've thought about it since April. (For those outside Newfrontiers, I apologise; this will be a very…
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From small beginnings…

Christian ministry, Church Planting, Newfrontiers, News
Last Sunday was a day of great celebration as the Kings Church Mid-Sussex met to celebrate the opening if their new building. In opening the meeting Jim Partridge, the Lead Elder, shared how the local Member of Parliament had said that what this church had achieved was a miracle. I like it when the world acknowledges the greatness of God! It all started in 1968. A small group of believers began to meet in my wife Janita's and my home in Scaynes Hill to study the Bible together. The co-hosting couple (we actually met in their home on the first occasion) suggested inviting a friend of theirs to come and speak - Terry Virgo walked through the door! In 1973, following a prophetic word he had received at his home…
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Helping make decisions pt 3. Facilitation – a living example

Administrative Skills, Equipping, Facilitation, Good Practice, Jubilee+, Newfrontiers
I have just returned from a meeting that is very relevant to this series. So, contrary to what I had anticipated in this posting, I am going to share my experiences as they illustrate what this series is about and how powerful the process of Facilitation can be. What is Jubilee+? I was invited to attend the two-day retreat of the Core Team of Jubilee+ where they were seeking God about their strategy for the next season. Their intention was to end up with an Action Plan. Jubilee+ is an initiative within the UK for facilitating Newfrontiers churches (and others) to launch effective ministry among those who are poor and disadvantaged. What did we do? One of the team members, Andrew Westerman (Emmanuel Church, Durham and Kairos UK Ltd) served…
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Impacting communities through Social Enterprise

Equipping, Jubilee+, Newfrontiers, Poor, Social Enterprise
Community Engagement There are three strands to the way in which the church can exercise community engagement to bring about change in the social environment - Social Action (hands-on involvement), Social Justice (advocacy) and Social Enterprise (transformation through business). The last, Social Enterprise, is the one most likely to produce lasting personal and community transformation with financial sustainability. It was thus with great interest I attended a half day conference on this important topic organised through the Jubilee+ Initiative of the Newfrontiers family of churches on March 16th. This was then followed on 17th by the Everything Conference which, on occasion, touched on the same subject. What is Social Enterprise? Social Enterprise is attaining a growing profile in the UK. Increasingly businesses are being launched or re-aligned to help those…
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Teams that work – pt 13. A United Team

Equipping, Newfrontiers, Team
I have ben using Phil 2:1 to look at some of the features which create a positive environment in which a team can work. We shall now look at the characteristics and attitudes of the team itself through the next few verses. Complete joy As a team leader on many occasions and in many situations I can happily echo Paul's words to the Philippians ‘complete my joy...' How is this achieved? Through ‘being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind' (Phil 2:2b). Unity Unity of a team is a vital ingredient to success. But to achieve that unity takes time and effort. It does not just happen. Once the team is selected there needs to be an intentional ‘team building' to…
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100 years for Newfrontiers…

Newfrontiers, News
Well, more in fact - but I liked the rhyme! I have decided to postpone the rest of my series on team building until the New Year. Why? On Friday December 16th the Newfrontiers office will finally close after over 30 years so it seems appropriate for this blog to explain what is happening. With Terry Virgo moving to London (Surbiton), and the whole of Newfrontiers being redefined for expansion and a new season, the need for an office in Hove is no longer there. So the wonderful team I have had the privilege of leading is being disbanded. And that is where the 100 comes in. In fact they have served for over 100 years - and that does not include Terry himself! What a record and what a…
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