Videos on Church Administration and other matters

Screen Shot 2016-01-13 at 12.56.23Several months ago I was asked to prepare some videos for the Newfrontiers Bible School in Nigeria. I realise I never made these more widely available but think they would be of great help to many people working in church administration.

They appear in my YouTube channel Feeding 5000 is no picnic….. There is associated reading with some of the talks, as shown in the side panel.

Here are the links:

The Gift of Administration
Administration in the Bible is a spiritual gift. It is a ministry that not only helps a church to function effectively but also helps liberate leaders and members to serve and realise their potential according to their talents and spiritual gifts

Event Management – Jesus style
When Jesus fed the 5000 he modeled how to organise and implement an event. We can learn much from his example

Planning and Implementation part 1 – Planning principles
Planning is a key tool in the armoury of the Church Administrator. Here are some basic principles including a model from the Biblical book of Nehemiah

Planning and Implementation part 2 – Planning skills
There are many skills associated with good planning such as the mind map for creativity and developing a clear timeline for monitoring progress

Planning and Implementation part 3 – Planning a ministry
Planning a ministry in the church not only requires care in planning the detail with a clear action plan but also needs to include ways of monitoring on a regular basis whether the goals are being achieved

Meetings that work for you
Meetings can be boring and unproductive or stimulating and fruitful. Here I share tips and techniques about managing meetings that will help you prepare agendas, take accessible minutes, and chair meetings that achieve goals and help the members to feel fulfilled and satisfied.

Mobilising the church part 1
Church members define the local church; they are the most valuable resource the church has and shape what ministries the church carries out. By helping members to identify their Skills and Talents, and their Spiritual Gifts, they are better equipped to discover places of service in the church.

Mobilising the church part 2
In the second part of Mobilising the Church we shall continue to look at a persons spiritual gifts as well as other aspects of his unique personal profile such as availability of time, any sense of calling, a strong heart’s desire to impact a particular area of need and so on.

Making the best use of time part 1
Most people struggle with the use of their time. This describes some very practical ways of planning your time, particularly prioritising your daily diary. it is based on the Insight Time Management system developed by Charles Hobbs

Making the best use of time part 2
Careful planning and prioritising time ensures that you maximise the use of your time and end each day satisfied

Watch, Enjoy and be Equipped!