The Poor deserve the Best – part 12 – Sustainability

Christian ministry, Equipping, Ghana, Good Practice, Planning, Poor, Relief and Development, Training, Zimbabwe
We have been considering Key Indicators of Good Practice under the title The Poor deserve the Best and now come to the final 2 of 20. 11. Sustainability Much charitable work relies on continual fund raising. Called Donor Dependency this makes a ministry very vulnerable. However, Donor Dependency introduces a measure of insecurity and puts the permanence of the ministry in doubt. It can also lead to the compromise of values in order to obtain funding. Further, Donor dependency may diminish the dignity of the ministry, but sometimes is a necessity. To mitigate against this a thorough assessment should be made of the reliance on outside funding and how this may be reduced. Appropriate practice should then be implemented to make the ministry as self-sustainable as possible. Clearly certain ministries…
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The Poor deserve the Best – part 10 – Achieving success

Christian ministry, Equipping, General, Good Practice, Planning, Poor, Relief and Development
After a brief look at three of the crises currently facing African nations in which Newfrontiers churches are working, Guinea, Kenya and Zimbabwe, we shall now return to the Key Indicators which should typically characterise well-executed ministries with the Poor. During the first weeks in September we looked at Key Indicators which were peculiar to Christian ministries. Since then our focus has been on Indicators of ‘good practice’ which could apply to any relief and development work, although our approach has been to look at these from a Christian and Biblical perspective, as appropriate. 7. Impact. When any ministry is planned, clear goals and expectations need to be defined (see Project Cycle Management - see Sept 22). Although the processes of monitoring and evaluation are distinct, both reveal whether the…
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The Poor deserve the Best – part 7 – Handling Finance

Administration in the Church, Administrative Skills, Christian ministry, Equipping, General, Good Practice, Planning, Poor
Key Indicator 2 - Finance Finance is a gift from God and He trusts us to be wise stewards. But sadly Finance is renowned for having caused ship-wreck with many ministries; even Christians find the temptations associated with money can become their masters. We must recognise that we have an enemy prowling around looking for people to devour. Handling finance is a spiritual matter, not just administrative. For this reason more will be written about this in due course. Here I will give an overview of the key issues to be aware of. It is vital to put in place good procedures to ensure full accountability in order to be above reproach and to protect those who handle money from any suspicion. The two most important features are Stewardship and…
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The Poor deserve the Best – part 6 – practical skills

Administration in the Church, Administrative Skills, Christian ministry, Equipping, Good Practice, Planning, Poor
We have been looking at 20 Key Indicators of Good Practice. In previous postings we have considered 8 Indicators that are peculiar to the church and spiritual matters related to ministry embracing the poor. Now we shall consider some of the skills that enhance Good Practice and enable us to pursue excellence in all that we do. There are 12 key Indicators which we shall address under this heading. Only an overview will be given in this and the next series of postings but some of these will be dealt with in greater depth in future. 1 Project Cycle Management. 2 Finance 3 Mature leadership. 4 Responding to gifting/passion. 5 Pastoral support. 6 Training. 7 Impact. 8 Partnering/networking. 9 Local community ownership. 10 Sustainability. 11 Scaling up and multiplication. 12…
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The Poor deserve the Best – part 6 – practical skills

Administration in the Church, Administrative Skills, Christian ministry, Equipping, Good Practice, Planning, Poor
We have been looking at 20 Key Indicators of Good Practice. In previous postings we have considered 8 Indicators that are peculiar to the church and spiritual matters related to ministry embracing the poor. Now we shall consider some of the skills that enhance Good Practice and enable us to pursue excellence in all that we do. There are 12 key Indicators which we shall address under this heading. Only an overview will be given in this and the next series of postings but some of these will be dealt with in greater depth in future. 1 Project Cycle Management. 2 Finance 3 Mature leadership. 4 Responding to gifting/passion. 5 Pastoral support. 6 Training. 7 Impact. 8 Partnering/networking. 9 Local community ownership. 10 Sustainability. 11 Scaling up and multiplication. 12…
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