Grace-filled or grumpy? Pt 1 Is there a problem?

Equipping, Handing over, Older generation, Serving
Every family sees the passing of generations. As the Newfrontiers family experiences increasing longevity – nearly 36 years have passed since Terry Virgo drew together the first team (see my recent blog 'A team is born') – there is the inevitability of those involved in the early years growing older, both church members and those who have been privileged with leadership. In recent months I have attended thanksgiving services for five people whom I had grown to know, love and in some cases work closely with, who are now dwelling with Jesus in glory. What a joy, if tinged with inevitable sadness, to celebrate their lives and recognise that in each case they had ‘run well’ till the end. In no case did I witness complaining or grumpiness, despite handling serious…
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