Apostolic Administration Forum

We are approaching a major transition in the family of churches we call Newfrontiers. As we continue to grow God has shown us that we need to become a network of apostolic spheres (as in the New Testament) rather than be centred predominantly on one person, Terry Virgo, the father of Newfrontiers.


In February God spoke to me that I should gather some of those who will be helping administrate these spheres in a practical way, supporting those with apostolic gifting. And so it was my joy to gather nearly 20 men and women for three days at a Forum during the week preceding the Newfrontiers Together on a Mission Conference in Brighton, which begins today, July 12th.

Cross cultural exchange
The atmosphere of the Forum was ‘everyone a teacher everyone a learner’. We quickly realised that we all had experiences from which others could learn, particularly over cross-cultural understanding. screen-shot-2011-07-11-at-192736The participants came from Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Ukraine and the United Kingdom, and so there was plenty of opportunity to highlight the matters that were pertinent to particular cultures and to discuss what the Biblical understanding would be. Indeed, we repeatedly exhorted one another to judge particular practices against the plumbline of Kingdom culture. Topics over which this was particularly applicable were finance and time, issues with widely varying interpretations and practice in different cultures.

Each day we had an extended time of worship and prayer, ending the whole Forum with prayer for one another. The release of the prophetic was greatly encouraging to several of those present.

During our time together
• We discussed What is Biblical Administration?
• We talked about Planning both events and ministries
• We had presentations on Finance and on Communication – two essential ‘reins’ for leading any sphere
• We had practical ‘how tos’ on personal Time Management and on Caring for your Staff
• We finished with a Biblical consideration of Servanthood.

Throughout we sought to gain a Biblical perspective on these everyday topics which need to be part of the administrator’s tool-kit.

The answer is “yes” the question is “how?”
We also recognised the excitement of working with men of vision and agreed that, when they share with us a new direction for ministry or a fresh initiative, our response must never be ‘it cannot be done’ but rather ‘the answer is “yes” the question is “how?”‘ This gives plenty of opportunity for us to exercise our own faith!

We live in exciting days. My prayer is that this Forum will have contributed to the Kingdom of God continuing to advance through the Newfrontiers family as God gives us grace to implement what we have learnt.