Any Questions?

Since starting this blog I have sought to help equip the church in various ways, particularly in Administration and Ministry with the Poor. I have produced a series of booklets ‘Administration in the Church’ which may be of interest.

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These are available for £2 each or £5 for the set plus postage from Please put ‘Book order’ in topic line.

Pause for reflection and Q/A
Speaking recently to Sidney Nevis, a long-standing friend and church leader in Mumbai, India, he suggested that some would welcome the opportunity to pause for reflection and ask questions about their specific situations. I am happy to be available to help in this way. So if you feel there are issues related to church administration (I may take questions on the Poor later) on which you would like advice please contact me on Please put Question on Administration in the topic line.

Depending on the questions I receive I shall either answer them on a one-to-one basis or through the blog if they seem to have wider application.

So get asking!