A New Website!

Welcome to my new website!

I launched this site in 2009 to share my passions and experience for good Church Administration and Ministry with the Poor. The title ‘Feeding 5000 is no picnic…’ was supposed to embrace these emphases. Then, when I came to ‘retirement’ in 2011, I felt God say that I should focus my own future ministry on two main areas: 1. Helping people and churches reach out to those who are Poor or in need, and 2. Capacity Building – training and equipping.

New content
I am encouraged by the number of people who continue to follow my blog and who contact me. Thank you supporters! Accordingly the site has been redesigned and includes more content, particularly Resources: Books, Videos and Audio recordings. There is a lot of new material here so do explore!

Poor – Equipping – News
There are three main elements to the site: 1. Ministry with the Poor 2. Equipping 3. News. The first two are self-explanatory. ‘News’ will include such items as video interviews, book recommendations up-coming conferences and reports, and anything else I think will interest you.

Data Protection
This launch coincides with a tightening up of data protection regulations – rightly in my opinion, as recent news in the media has illustrated. Everyone on my mailing list made a personal request to be there so I hope this is still valid. Nevertheless, I am constructing a new list to be sure that all subscribers wish to continue. This will be organised through Mailchimp and used only for the purposes of communicating with respect to this blog. Please click this link and add your email address.

What’s to come
Enjoy what you read over the coming months. Some of the topics to be included are:

  • A video interview with Steve Tibbert bringing a helpful Newfrontiers news update in the UK
  • A series on church finance by a guest writer, Stephen Mathews. This will particularly help church leaders and trustees
  • Recommendation of an excellent book on cross cultural matters

I hope you find this site both helpful and enjoyable. Please feed back any comments or requests for particular topics you would like to have addressed.
